What's your story?
One page sharing how you learned about elections

In early 2021 I was waiting around for the military to re-install President Trump. (I realize he could still be the Commander in Chief.) One day James O'Keefe's refrain at Project Veritas (which he founded and is now suing him), said "Be brave, do something," caused me to apply, but when that was declined I happened upon an online group working towards audits of Minnesota's elections. Proper audits of the paper ballots, tabulator system logs, and the cast vote records (ballot images and interpretive files), have never been done anywhere in Minnesota to this day.
A few months later (October 2021) I met Rick Weible for the first time, who really took me under his wing in Spring 2022. I attended commissioner meetings where he and other advocates spoke in a half-dozen counties.
That summer I ran for Minnesota Secretary of State, which led me to a few more counties. I learned which advocates for election integrity were effective and where there were knowledge gaps about how effectively electronic systems were subverting elections. I also learned that the SOS roles across the country are very protected and that the GOPe (establishment/elite) have multiple influence operations ongoing within the Republican Party, all the way to the hyper local level.
As I got connected with more people locally and nationally, sharing information and data daily, it became clearer and clearer that the entire electronic apparatus, which has subverted local, state, and national elections for at least the last couple decades, needs to be replaced.
Registration and voter rolls: start from scratch. Verification: a system with signature and ID—you only get a ballot if verified. Tabulation: at the precinct level by hand count. Reporting: at the same precinct that evening. This brings registration, verification, tabulation, and reporting to the precinct and county level instead of being controlled by the state and corporations.
I'm now interested in learning best methods for hand counting and sharing what I learn with others. That way, when the time comes to change locally and nationally, volunteers and local staff are ready. If candidates I prefer are ever elected, I don't want there to be any question about the process.
Godspeed to all patriots.
If you have a one-page story to tell relating to how you learned about elections, got involved, and what you’re up to now, please share it with me at erikvanmechelen@protonmail.com. Maybe we can produce a short book with people’s experiences. It only takes a few moments to find a quiet space, a pen, and a notebook to jot it down. Enjoy.