What do MNGOP Endorsements Actually Mean?
My vote in favor of Republican Primaries in August across the board to raise awareness on key issues, namely election fraud and why few will talk about it

One thing I’ve learned from attending these BPOU / SD / Congressional District meetings is that endorsements from the Republican Party mean very little. The CD5 Convention was a “show”. If you can get enough of “your” delegates into the room, then influence those there with propaganda, or even try to cheat the vote (as may have happened in Morrison recently, where the SD10 endorsement convention was effectively cancelled without finishing the vote counting), then you get “your” candidates endorsed.
But anyone can still run against the endorsed candidates in the Republican Primary in August.
Consider that the endorsement process is a public influence game, like straw polls. (It doesn’t matter to me whether you won a straw poll because that merely represents a point in time from a small group of people.)
Saying you won a straw poll is not a reason I should support you.
Saying you are electable is not a reason I should support you.
What I look for in a candidate is consistent demonstration of awareness of the key issues, namely the clear desire to uphold the Constitution and understanding of how the 2020 election was rigged—by mass absentee ballots, machine manipulation, and inflated voter rolls.
Better still, show me action toward resolving those key issues. On the Constitution, Mayor of Lexington Mike Murphy has made his city a sanctuary 2A city.
But there is less on election awareness and reform. (Although one candidate for house rep has recently reached out to me on this issue.) However when we look to Nevada, we see a Secretary of State candidate helping counties get rid of election machines for this upcoming election.
Where are the Minnesota candidates helping the grassroots make these changes in Minnesota? If they can’t help directly, they can at least use their platforms to encourage it to happen. (We the People have already begun in places like Dakota County, where Rick Weible brought evidence that the Dominion version 4.14-E is out of certificate, and attempts were made toward a full forensic audit in Crow Wing County earlier this year.)
With the ongoing takeover of the Republican Party by Godly men and women who wish to protect the Constitution, I think the Party is trying to overplay the significance of their endorsements. Remember, endorsements do not prevent another candidate from running against the endorsed candidate as a Republican.
Therefore, I put very little stock in MNGOP endorsements. The reason I qualify with “very little” is because I do not wish to diminish the efforts of grassroots candidates who have worked very hard to educate their supporters about the delegate process and successfully defeat the establishment GOP candidates. These grassroots candidates will prevail in Primaries by sticking to their principles and the truth, which frankly many establishment candidates cannot admit to based on their connections within the Party.
The MNGOP State Convention is coming up on May 13 and 14 in Rochester where additional endorsements will be handed out. In general, I don’t think candidates should necessarily honor the party’s endorsement if they believe they are the right man or woman for the job—that means continuing to campaign and run as a Republican in the Primary in August (which non-delegates get to vote on).
Yes, it could be argued campaign funds could better be used to defeating a DFL opponent, but a longer interview process is welcomed by this writer.
Campaigning for the Primaries will engage more voters and raise awareness of the ground truth of evil we are facing.
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EAC and End of Life for Dominion Software 4.14-E in Dakota County (April 5, 2022)