Transparency NOW
Take Action—No Matter How You've Voted in the Past
The following was first published on
Even if you are in a small county, town, or very rural area, there's no running or hiding any longer. This guide is a thoughtful approach to fixing your county, beginning with basic research on election data and then developing a roadmap toward change.
But aren't elections meant to be a legislative issue? It is true that the legislature can write and amend election statutes, Minnesota legislators have been unable to ban mail-in voting and been unable to ban electronic voting equipment and tabulation systems. They only managed 2 of over 100 improvements to statutes that were laid out for them in the 2022 session.
Because our legislature has so far come up short, it is important that we demand change at the most local levels. Let's begin with replacing electronic voting systems and increasing transparency by turning ON cast vote records. Then I will close with some general thoughts on how to budget your time and energy based on your knowledge, skills, and level of commitment.
Replacing the Electronic Voting System
Commissioners are not quite yet ready to remove their electronic voting equipment, even though they could TODAY, according to 206.58 AUTHORIZATION FOR USE, by passing a resolution in a county commissioners board meeting.
Email, call, and present this Sample Resolution to Remove Electronic Voting Equipment to your commissioners in your county commissioners board meeting. The same can be done at the city level, where I know of at least one township supervisor who is very eager to rid their township of the electronic systems.
Document all communication.
Increasing Election Transparency through Cast Vote Records
If our modern electronic voting system is flawless (it isn't, it is designed to allow fraud), then there should be no issue in turning ON the save ballot images feature which then turns ON the cast vote records (CVR) report capability in ALL tabulators for the August 9 primary election, as well as the midterms in November. Because we know from page 57 of the ES&S DS200 Operator's Guide that CVR functionality can be turned off, we need to remedy this since this built-in tabulator feature was apparently turned off for the 2020 election according to election officials throughout Minnesota.
In contrast to postelection reviews (206.89 POSTELECTION REVIEW OF VOTING SYSTEMS), which check less than 1% of ballot positions (ovals scanned), the CVR reports can include 100% of votes cast in the election—therefore these are heavily guarded from the people, but through CHAPTER 13. GOVERNMENT DATA PRACTICES this information is public data. Share this Sample Resolution to turn ON Cast Vote Records with your commissioners and town board supervisors.
Visit for CVR explanations and read Cast Vote Records for Dummies v2 for further clarification on submitting public data requests to your county and county election officials for ES&S, Dominion, and Hart systems.
Other resolutions which could be passed by commissioners or town board supervisors include removing epollbooks, resetting voter rolls (everyone must register anew), and sequestering ballots and digital records from 2020 to prevent the destruction of evidence on Sep 3, 2020 (the 22-month retention period in 52 USC §20701).
Evaluating Your Knowledge, Commitment, and Desired Impact
It's hard to say how long we must endure in these efforts to actually fix our problems. Elections are just one domain of top-down control and slavery. I do not say slavery lightly, but if our votes do not count, then this is one way we have been made slaves. Another is through the Federal Reserve system signed into law through the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, which cemented the control of Americans to international profiteers often operating in the shadows.
Here are suggestions for activities, but keep in mind this suggestion from General George Patton: "Never tell people how to do things. Tell them what to do and they will surprise you with their ingenuity."
Articulate Your Knowledge and Understanding
How well do you understand the Minnesota Constitution?
How well do you understand these key election statutes?
Do you have a grasp on what happened in Minnesota in 2020? Readers have said this free book is excellent. This substack newsletter and this telegram channel are also resources freely available to you.
List your skills and strengths. Review them, does that list suggest you are a data analyst, strategist, researcher, writer, marketer, event organizer, graphic designer, investigative journalist?
Find your people. Go to county commissioner meetings, town board supervisor meetings, local events that are training and discussing ACTION to fix our election laws, process, and system. Beware of grifting events I refer to as DEI, Deceptive Election Integrity, where you may be encouraged NOT to dig into key areas like inflated voter rolls, massive absentee and mail in ballot fraud, or the overly complicated and compromised modern electronic voting system, which includes e-pollbooks, tabulators, and the tabulation systems.
When you find your people: Keep things small, nimble, and decentralized. Nameless groups work very well as they are more difficult for the enemy to locate and infiltrate. Work with people who are action-oriented and have demonstrated results. Keep your eyes peeled for those trying to trip you. It will happen. Don't be discouraged. Learn from it. And most of all: Never give up.
Build Relationships
In addition to the relationships with action-oriented and results-driven people who do things the right way, seek to build relationships with county commissioners, town board supervisors, and election officials/employees.
I do not say become their friend. Elected officials are there to serve the people and we will demand much from them in the coming weeks and months if we are to have honest elections and plug the many vulnerabilities that are used by the election cartels to steal the voice of the people. But with an approach that demonstrates your knowledge and understanding of election laws, process, and electronic voting system, as well as compassion for the difficult position the elected official is in (tremendous pressure behind the scenes), you might be able to get their help.
Here's an example of a phone call I had with a county clerk and auditor, where I am inquiring about whether the cast vote records from 2020 might be obtained and whether the CVR functionality will be turned ON for the Aug 9 2022 primary election.
It is also important to be courteous in email communications. But never back down from demanding the facts that should be available to the public. For additional tips on submitting public data requests and FOIA requests, see this guide.
Each of us has personal, family, and work responsibilities which will balance against the available time and attention to take action. Look within for wisdom on how and where to spend your time and do your work.
In my own case, I have written this newsletter on election transparency part time for the last 9 months, and worked full time on raising awareness and transparency in the last 3 months, which includes researching, writing, learning from a decentralized group nationwide, giving talks, doing trainings, drafting resolutions, speaking at county commissioner meetings, and documenting the above as well as the childish antics of the MNGOP which is frustrated that true American conservatives are stepping up to unseat their many operatives in elected roles. (On this last point, see Chapter 5 of [S]elections in Minnesota available free and as an audiobook.)
Desired Impact
Many say they are in this fight for their children and grand children. I do not have children yet, so to me it is about liberating this corner of the midwest and then going on to liberate the entire world from the scourge of communism and totalitarian slavery.
Godspeed, patriots.
—Erik van Mechelen
What follows is a summary of the [s]election problem and a remedy available.
Toward Free, Fair, and 100% Auditable Elections
"Not since the Manhattan Project, which developed the Atom Bomb, have so many smart people worked together to solve such a critical problem." – in this letter by Jeffrey O'Donnell, one of the authors of the Mesa County Colorado Voting Systems Report #3 on Election Database and Process Analysis of Dominion Voting Systems (DVS) Election Management System (EMS)
In the early 1900s it took Bertrand Russell over 300 pages to prove that 1 + 1 = 2. Thankfully with the work being done around the country since November 3rd, 2020 (and long before), it will not take nearly as long here to unpack the state of our rigged election system and how to fix it.
We the People have lost confidence in our elections process. Already in 2016 and earlier many were questioning election results, a sentiment which has intensified as evidence mounts in all 50 states. We don't trust the machines which slice and dice our votes nor the backdoors into election management systems; we don't like insecure mass mail-in absentee ballots and drop boxes exploited by vote trafficking organizations; we have lost faith in internet-connected poll books and inflated voter rolls obscured from public view.
Here in Minnesota, roadblocks were put in our path when we wanted proper audits of the ballots and the machines or simply to have a look at the cast vote record (CVR) reports which are automatically generated once ballots are scanned (these allow the machines to tell on themselves). These obstructions lit a greater fire under us to discover the truth and share it with anyone who has humble heart and a desire to learn.
We are aiming for a future voting process where the end results are provable as per the votes cast representing the will of the people.
The sheer amount of data and evidence available to date does not change the fact that machines are still counting our votes. Nor the fact that epollbooks, dropboxes, mail-in ballots, absentee ballots, early voting, and other vulnerabilities are still in play.
We can change this. And we will.
The Problem
[S]elections are achieved by the following formula:
- election machines (including e-pollbooks, tabulators, and election management systems)
- mass mail-in and absentee ballots through drop boxes and the mail
- inflated voter rolls (a line of credit) acheived through an insecure and centralized voter registration system
Let's take these one at a time.
1. The Machines
The software underpinning Dominion, ES&S, and Hart is Smartmatic (see Sequoia), which has not only determined elections in the United States, but also as far afield as Venezuela already in 2004. After your ballot is scanned in to Dominion, ES&S, or Hart tabulators your voice through your vote can be fractionalized or even changed in the backend of the databases storing those data points.
Tabulators used in the 2020 election are also capable of marking ballots.
There is also an issue of who has the keys.
Yes, ballot harvesting and ballot stuffing can cancel a real person's vote, but the machines can do so at scale in the 'black box' not even accessible to most election officials in charge of running elections in their counties. The following chart from Expert Witness Russ Ramsland's Presentation at Georgia State House Elections Hearing on December 10th, 2020 provides an overview of our voting system, networks, and attack entry points.

[S]elections have been taking place for quite some time, probably since electronic equipment was introduced at scale in the early 2000s (prior to that, old school methods were used).
It is likely that Democrats and Republicans have been [s]elected to keep the establishment in control while appeasing you and me with the illusion that our side occasionally won. They want us to think that if we didn't win a particular election, that's okay because 'we'll get them next time.' They want us to be divided against our neighbor so we miss the bigger game being played in the shadows. We cannot continue being lured into thinking like this and must admit to ourselves where we allowed ourselves to be led astray or were willfully blind.
Sadly we may never know the details of what happened in 2018 (and before) because under USC 52 Chapter 207 §20701 physical and digital election records need only be maintained for 22 months.
But thankfully they do have to be maintained for 22 months. While we may learn the truth about 2018, by contrast in 2020, despite a massive coverup attempt and aggressive censorship, the details of the coup are coming into the light for all to see.
For example, an analysis of the Mesa County, Colorado Dominion Voting Systems (DVS) Election Management System (EMS) server from the 2020 and 2021 elections proved database manipulation that initially went undetected by the office of the county clerk and recorder, Tina Peters. Only her courageous decision to save images of the server before and after the Dominion "Trusted Build" in Spring 2021 preserved the opportunity for data analysts to investigate by preserving election records in accordance with state and federal law.
Those efforts made it possible for the rest of us to learn information I imagine Dominion never wanted us to know. J. Alex Halderman's report from Antrim, County Michigan is also instructive on Dominion. More recently, the United States Election Assistance Commission Report of Investigation into Dominion Voting Systems D-Suite 5.5-B in Williamson, County, Tennessee found a serious anomaly causing 7 of 18 ICP tabulators used during the election to not match the number of ballots scanned. The same code was found in New Mexico machines.
As Dominion appears to get the lion's share of bad press, other vendors like ES&S or Hart may attempt to distance themselves, but remember ES&S and Hart also use Smartmatic software. Furthermore, Dr. Douglas Frank has said the ES&S DS 200 is among the most hackable ballot scanners in the country, and was used in 66 Minnesota counties during the 2020 election.
2. Mass Absentee Mail-in Ballots
The documentary 2000 Mules is alarming in part because it demonstrates the coordinated operation that is physical ballot trafficking, but also because additional questions arise: Who printed these ballots? With which templates? How were they provided to the mules? How did they cover their digital tracks? On the last question, is it possible that tabulators have internal code to hide ballot dumps and removes excess votes for the popular candidate?
True the Vote's election integrity testimony in Wisconsin on March 24, 2022 and the election integrity report is a great introduction to what some have called the election cartel.
In Minnesota, consent decrees removed witness and signature requirements on absentee ballots opening the floodgates to now legal but ethically questionable ballots. Keep in mind that some quantity of suspicious ballots are more than likely used to 'balance the budget' once polls are closed, since our election results appear to be centrally managed by a PID controller. (Read on to see a potential instance in a Minnesota uncovered in a postelection review where the budget does not seem to have been balanced.)
3. Inflated Voter Rolls
Inflated rolls facilitate ballot mules and support machine manipulation. It seems plausible that non-profits like the Electronic Registration Information Center (ERIC) provide support to states using inflated rolls to provide a slush fund or credit line of voters on election day.
For more, I invite you to read [S]elections in Minnesota.
The Remedy
"Vote Amish."
Additional Resources
[S]elections in Minnesota: An Introduction to How Machines Controlled 2020
Audiobook of [S]im2020
WEBSITE & COMMS -> Erik for SOS -> Erik for SOS discussion -> Minnesota Audit Force -> Minnesota Audit Force Discussion -> Minnesota One Six -> Minnesota One Six Discussion -> email newsletter on [s]elections -> YouTube Video Channel -> Rumble Video Channel
Latest video - Sherburne County:
2000 Mules
Standing in the Gap
Minnesota Standing in the Gap
Selection Code