This week in MN
Event update - go to
Trump’s lawyer says there will be opportunity to re-litigate the concerns from 2020. If it happens, would you tune in? Jan Halper-Hayes seems to think it was a mistake on Jack Smith’s part. The idea is that the truth (if shared in 2020) was too explosive and could have led to a civil war. That was two and half years ago. Have we woken up a bit? If America can return to a Republic… it’s still hard to comprehend how different and great things could be.
Today in Ohio tabulators weren’t working, reminiscent of what happened to Kari Lake in the 2022 midterms. Meanwhile voter registration fraud was documented to the tune of thousands of fake registrations in Michigan. Many so-called educated people may continue to deny this but Jacque Ellul’s Propagandes was recommended to me detailing the difference between agitation propaganda and integration propaganda—note that propaganda works better on the so-called educated.
A precursor to Sound of Freedom was A Conspiracy of Silence on the same theme, in the mid-1990s. Also censored (successfully) but Sound of Freedom defeated censorship and based on box-office numbers I think perhaps 10 million people have watched. We cannot continue standing by.
Next week on Wednesday and Thursday 8/16-8/17 is Mike Lindell’s election event which will be livestreamed in 80 languages (including English). Rick Weible will be speaking for Minnesota and I’ll be there too. Click here to signup or go to and input this code = coaMN or MNSDRICKAUGEVENT
One other place to follow next week is on Frank Social, the mobile app (different from Frank Speech), where I’m @erik or on Telegram, @projectminnesota2023 or @erikmn
Possibly will be using LeanPub to give updates but not sure. Free book from last year (what I learned up until June 25, 2022) is here. If you signup (move slider to free) and tick email box here you’ll also get all future updates of that book. It’s going to be sharing a bit of what I’ve noticed in the past couple years instead of trying to lay out evidence, which others are better at (and where now there apparently will be a venue, see opening paragraph of this email).
Meanwhile, in MN:
- ACEIT in Anoka continues to give their County Board all the major pieces to understand their own system and try an alternative but so far commissioners not stepping up
- Citizens ask tough questions of Tom Emmer at his town hall
- Credit River (Scott County) delays buying a third Dominion tabulator last night
- The Mille Lacs GOP stated their position on elections, referencing machine mandates and lack of accountability and transparency with cast vote records, and ultimately recommending a return to hand counting ballots
- Remember, even if you hand count, there needs to be a proper process. Not like this (SD50). More like this, or even simpler, as Rick Weible has taught Minnesotans recently (more to come in September)
- Residents for a Better Bloomington is hosting “a meeting to introduce the current slate of candidates this year that most closely align with RFABB's Mission and Goals” Aug 10, 6:30-8pm at the Eagles Club, 9152 Old Cedar Ave S - great chance to connect with your neighbors and find good people to run for school board and city council —> these events are key for local grassroots organizing (start these in your area if they don’t already exist)
Meanwhile in SD:
- 508 page appeal that lays out exactly how all of these records requests have been unlawfully denied (if this is denied maybe could be brought to 6th Circuit Court of Appeals)
Thank you to the South Dakota Team - the pressure is mounting!