When will your county post cast vote records?
What happens when asking for cast vote records, which are public data?
What happens when asking for cast vote records, which are public data?
Oak Grove passes a resolution to go to paper poll pads and the county will prosecute judges for checking in people on paper? Does that help people trust the elections?
According to Rick Weible, these sample ballots could be printed out and inserted and accepted by tabulators, the electronic voting equipment which counts and tallies votes in Minnesota.
Is Tom Hunt, in his capacity as Elections Manager Anoka County, in fact interfering with the City of Oak Grove's elections?
General Counsel, Justin R. Erickson apparently has tried to argue ballots can only be guarded after votes are tabulated, when the statute plainly states this can happen during the election (to avoid concerns of election codes and rules not being followed).
Those of you who believe MNGOP leadership, including DELEGATES AND ALTERNATES to conventions and the State Central Committee, should be familiar with the laws, Constitution and rules of OUR Party....
MNGOP Chair and Exec Committee have nothing to stand on, are simply trying to make people believe they do, while leaving delegates out of the process, in my opinion illegally.
Professor David Clements interviews Jessica Pollema of South Dakota. As of right now, the ballot images in Minnesota are listed as non-public data, not to be released, however that change came in 2023, a surprise since many county attorneys and auditors had been claiming they did not exist prior to
We're at a crossroads; we will either have a political Party that is of the people, by the people, and for the people; or we will be ruled by an oligarchy.
An opening was exploited by a corrupt players in a corrupt system. Susan Shogren-Smith was determined incorrectly by Judge Leonardo Castro, the Chief Judge of Ramsey County, to have committed a fraud upon the court...