Should Minnesota's 2020 Election Have Been Certified?
Probably Not – Because Minnesota Statute 203B.121 Subd. 3 Was Not Followed
According to Rick Weible, CIO of D3Defense, more than 700,000 absentee ballots were not connected to a voter in the Statewide Voter Registration System (SVRS) merely 5 days after the Minnesota State Canvassing Board certified the election on November 24th, 2020.
This conclusion is made by comparing data from the Secretary of State’s website with SVRS data provided by the Secretary of State’s office.
The work has been peer reviewed.
View video on Rumble.
Susan Smith at 41:07 (in this video) describes where Minnesota Statute 203B.121 Subd. 3 was not followed.
Remember that many of these absentee ballots would have been received well ahead of November 3, 2020 during the 46-day absentee/mail-in voting period.
Subd. 3.Record of voting.
(a) When applicable, the county auditor or municipal clerk must immediately record that a voter's absentee ballot has been accepted. After the close of business on the seventh day before the election, a voter whose record indicates that an absentee ballot has been accepted must not be permitted to cast another ballot at that election. In a state primary, general, or state special election for federal or state office, the auditor or clerk must also record this information in the statewide voter registration system.
This was not the only concern in Minnesota’s elections.

Watch the full video (censored by YouTube, instead view on Rumble) recorded by Melissa in Rosemount in February 2022.
Before we even get to a discussion of whether our elections were rigged or not through widespread machine manipulation, it needs to be understood why Minnesota election laws were not followed to begin with. Minnesotans should expect better from those administering our elections.
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