Remove EL Poll Pads While Still Can
Watch for EL poll pad mandate in omnibus deception

Omnibus election bills emerge
In 2022 I and others said, Why don't election judges (workers) hand count when polls close? Then "Legislature" (mostly owned politicians) changed "laws" (election codes) so that EL-ectronic tabulators were MANDATED and hand counts not allowed by election workers because the ballots must be immediately sealed.
Now, several omnibus-type bills are emerging in MN House and Senate, one put by a Republican called "The Minnesota Election Integrity Act". HF2117 is a fake bill. Not fake in that it is not a bill, but it is named deceptively. It is The Minnesota Election Deception Act. (A multi-part series may be written.)
Deceptive how? For example, in one of MANY sections—why not single issue bills?—there is a Voter ID section, except the fine print is no Voter ID is actually required to vote. Yes. That is what it says.
Voter ID is good, isn't it?
Voter ID is nice to block fraud if we only voted on LSD (Leader [S]election Day) but the reality Now in Minnesota is we have 46 days of absentee/mail-in including ballots which can arrive up until 8pm to cities, and be delivered some time after that to counties, to be counted usually by around 1 or 2am. As occurred in Anoka County where one commissioner race after 600 post-8pm ballots was decided by less than 50 votes, apparently. I question every race because, well, we use computers and mail-in ballots for almost 2 months, more like 4 months if it is considered that the reconciling period in current law allows another 6 weeks after LSD to balance the books.
Not joking. In 2020, Simon's books (the Statewide Voter Registration System) showed seven hundred thousand (700,000) MORE votes than voters.
And the catchphrase of Mockingbird MN media tried to make everyone think, and mostly succeeded, in thinking such a number of ballots could not tip a race.
Remove EL Poll Pads Now
While you still can. They are the Trojan Horse.
They are a complete waste of money AND they help to rig elections, especially 'close' ones, by informing bad actors of the exact vote totals (voter counts) by election data flowing to centralized dashboards from all participating precincts, such that then intercepted/extra absentee/mail-in ballots can be delivered in the dark of night to specific cities to then be counted early morning.
Elections will be rigged every single time so long as un-checked electronics are used in combination with loose mail-in ballot procedures.
"While you still can" because already in 2013 the Task Force which carried out the poll pad pilots had discussed whether to write draft legislation for the "Legislature" which mandated poll pads right out of the gate.
Only a Handful
A small number of legislators get what I'm talking about.
But the legislators generally don't author bills. They 'author' a bill, their name is on it, but there was likely a ghostwriter.
This is the same process as many famous and celebrity books you might have read lately. I know this because I work sometimes as a ghostwriter. With others, I have helped to write US Today articles for 2 Governors.
Usually there is a group of ghostwriters.
The historical example many miss is Shakespeare. This was actually more likely Francis Bacon and a team of writers.
Self Reliance
Meanwhile, the political parties are owned by monied interests more or less happy with status quo. The names you've heard about, for example David Hann, former Chair of MNGOP, who bought his own computer from himself (company computer) and probably ordered the remaining four computers to be wiped clean—probably to delete incriminating emails in multiple litigations—is a name some people have heard, but there are people behind him whose names are less known.
The system will not work against itself. And the system is there to harm many innocent lives perpetually until we end it.
The only way to have a voting process that can't be controlled is to have it be visible to everyone the entire time. This can occur by a raising of hands if everyone is present, a tallied voice vote, or on paper.
No EL poll pads. No EL tabulators.
None of the cyber people in MN govt are that bright and none of the auditors that I've met understand how elections in their area rigged under their noses. Although one did resign when he was caught.
Government should get in the habit of livestreaming and recording all its activity as the people are learning that they should DIStrust everything government unless given reason not to. No faith in ANY government official or politician.
Erik is a writer who will continue to alert Minnesotans to the great deceptions and encourage participation in the event-stream. Everything a person does matters, everyone has a purpose.