Presidential Primary in Minnesota
105 days away, candidate lists from major party chairs due 63 days prior, 17 days before early voting begins
In 105 days, on January 2, 2024—63 days prior to March 5, 2024, when the Presidential Primary will take place in Minnesota—chairs of major parties in Minnesota will have had to finalize and submit a list of candidates for the Presidential Primary election (list or rules). Other offices with primaries will occur later, in the August 2024 primary.
Minnesota is one of about five states that use precinct caucuses, and may be the only one that uses both a precinct caucus and a primary—the other ~45 states use only a primary. Could the new legislation actually be a way to do away with the caucus system in Minnesota?
Sunday’s post about major party status showed how current major parties (DFL, GOP, Legal Marijuana Now) could lose their major party status. Any that lose major party status would forfeit not only the presidential primary (on March 5, 2024) but also their precinct caucuses (February 27, 2024).

Election-related events this week:
- Wednesday 9am: County election office training led by Secretary of State Steve Simon at the Edinburgh Golf Course in Brooklyn Park - not sure whether training itself is open to public—please message if you go!
- Thursday 10:50am: Appellant case out of Rice County, MN - Case # A23-0302 - Join ZoomGov Courtroom A -
Other reading:
“All politics is local, so holding power to account has to be done personally.”