Preserve All Election Materials (Notice to Hennepin County)
This letter can be sent to your county as well as it would be helpful if all election materials were preserved (for all 87 counties) to allow for a full audit post election, not just the limited minimum standards set out in Minnesota statutes.
To be sent to county attorney, county auditor, and elections manager in your county
After a violation of the law and MN Supreme Court decision against Hennepin County, today was time to send this letter.
This letter can be sent to your county as well as it would be helpful if all election materials were preserved (for all 87 counties) to allow for a full audit post election, not just the limited minimum standards set out in Minnesota statutes.
It seems likely that many, if not a large majority, of Minnesotans will be interested in seeing and understanding the process of their vote being counted, from start to finish, throughout early and mail-in periods through Election Day through all the digital handoffs, physical handoffs, to the county certifications (county canvassing boards) to the very limited post election review hand count audits, to the state certification to the tie-outs of official results with the statewide voter registration system histories.

To learn more, go to
Text from Letter:
Notice to Preserve Election Equipment, Records and Materials as Evidence
Date: 10 30 2024
Attn: County Auditor and County Attorney in Hennepin County
RE: Retention of all equipment, records and materials related to the November 5, 2024 elections
The 2020 elections were among the most contested elections in American history. Despite hundreds of cases being filed by citizens and candidates across the United States, the judicial system uniformly rejected case after case using technical requirements that were counter to the laws and rules or were newly applied processes that could not be challenged.
The failure of the Courts to allow the concerns of Americans to be heard and addressed in a clear and open manner has fueled a profound distrust in our election system.
The ONLY way to restore the public trust is to allow the public to return to the election process. Our elections belong to the PEOPLE, not the government. The government exists to serve the people and to respond to the concerns of the People, even when that response will prove the government has failed. Perhaps this response is especially necessary when the government fails to perform its mandated functions.
This is a demand that the County retain all records and election materials as required by:
· 52 USC 20701-20706
· 52 USC 52 USC 20901- to 21145
· Federal 52 USC 5701
· 52 USC 5702-5708
· MN Statutes § 15.17, Official Records Act
· MN Statutes § 138.17, Records Management Statute
· MN Statutes Chapter 13, Data Practices Act
· All Minnesota Election Statutes
And includes:
· The source code loaded into every electronic voting system (ballot marking system, tabulators, optical scanners, servers, desktops, laptops, ExpressVote, OmniBallot, Verity Touch Writer, and poll pads used in each precinct, municipality, county and ballot board in the 2024 elections).
· The internal logs in every poll pad being utilized to register voters before and on November 5, 2024.
· Every system and election log file, and report generated of every tabulator used in the county.
· Every log file and report generated of the EMS used in the county.
· All testing materials, ballots, reports and log files used in the Logic and Accuracy Testing required by MN Stat 206.83.
· All electronic ballot images and cast vote records created by every tabulator used in the 2024 elections within the county.
· A complete record of all changes made to the Statewide Voter Registration System by an agent of a precinct, municipality or county.
· The record of employment as well as wages paid information for all election judges hired and utilized during the 2024 election cycle.
Additionally, this demand includes the retention of all election materials identified in the “Election Materials and Retention and Security Memo (2008 recount)” available through the MN Secretary of State website at
The demand is being made based upon:
· the very controversial issues raised in the 2016, 2020 and 2022 elections via previous litigation and the public record;
· Reports of alleged and ongoing violations of law and administrative rules related to:
o Improperly certified Electronic Voting Systems
o Failure to update the security of the Electronic Voting Systems
o MN Election Laws related to Electronic Voting Systems
o Public Accuracy Testing
o Party balance requirements for election judges
o Use of Poll Challengers
o The administration of ballot boards within the county
o Interference with statutory requirements allowing for public and/or candidate right to participate in and view election activities
o Failure to maintain the Statewide Voter Registration System
The following individuals are agents of the county and must be informed of this lawful demand immediately:
· All members of the Absentee Ballot Board
· All Election Judges
· All employees of the county who have duties related to the handling of identified election equipment, materials and records
· Vendors
Thank you for your cooperation and for complying with this demand.
Erik van Mechelen
Eligible Minnesota Voter
Phone: 203-253-2274