Phillip Parrish Endorsement for Chair of the Minnesota Republican Party
21-year U.S. Navy veteran in military intelligence who exposed MN daycare fraud brings new hope and direction to restore Republican Party with unmatched integrity, fairness, and transparency
Phillip Parrish is running to be the next Chair of the Minnesota Republican Party.
21 years of service to our great country in the U.S Navy as an analyst, investigator, counterterrorism expert, and foreign policy expert in the Middle East has prepared him to confront today’s complex challenges, such as the $100 million daycare fraud he helped to expose in Minnesota.
Politically, he has served multiple times as both a delegate to state convention and as a state central delegate; he also ran for U.S. Senate, Minnesota Governor, and Minnesota Secretary of State.
In addition to being a truth-telling leader with a proven record of fixing major problems, Phillip’s service to our country and state along with his focus on faith, family, and freedom leave me with no doubts about his potential to ignite hope and change direction. Phillip is prepared and poised to deliver on his bold and detailed vision to Restore the Minnesota Republican Party and empower the grassroots in every corner of this state through Project 4110, a winning strategy to mitigate election fraud, which I view as part of a larger nationwide movement to restore our Constitutional Republic.
Phillip has my complete and total endorsement.
Please note that this email may be too long to be delivered in full, but the entire post can be read at
Announcement of Candidacy
Phillip announced his candidacy on November 17th.

Political Resume

Phillip Parrish Political Resume 17nov202271.2KB ∙ PDF fileDownloadDownload
Restoring the Republican Party
Watch and listen to Phillip describe his vision and answer Q & A from the audience from his Nov 22, 2022 event.

Restoring The Republican Party Proposal Phillip Parrish365KB ∙ PDF fileDownloadDownload
Delegate Commitment Letters by 5pm Wednesday
Remember, delegates are asked to complete a nominations form by 5PM, Wednesday, November 30, 2022 to ensure Phillip is in the running come Saturday.
Why is the Republican Party Having an Election Now?
Note that according to the Minnesota Republican Party constitution and bylaws that while precinct caucuses are held in even-numbered years to elect delegates for BPOU, Congressional District, and State conventions, the 300 state central delegates are elected in odd-numbered years.
With the Chair elections moved forward from April of odd-numbered years to December of even-numbered years, those who became delegates for the first time in 2022, like myself and some readers of Midwest Seeds, have not had a chance to become state central delegates.
Nevertheless with the future of Minnesota at stake there’s a real chance to change direction with Phillip leading the Minnesota Republican Party.
Emails to State Central Delegates
Below are republished the 6 emails so far that Phillip has sent to state central delegates. Notice his clear, candid, and professional tone.
Email 1: Candidacy Announcement
From: Phillip Parrish <>
Subject: December 3rd State Central Convention - Phillip Parrish for Chair - Opportunities prior to convention to learn more
Date: November 21, 2022 at 7:10:20 AM CST
To: Phillip Parrish <>
Greetings All Republican State Central Delegates and Alternates,
This email is official business, announcing my candidacy for Republican Party of Minnesota Chair.
This email is coming form my personally owned and operated email service. You will not find the familiar opt out link in this series of emails, 12 days away from the State Central Convention.
My intent is to provide some basic contact information and provide ways to create opportunities to articulate my vision for the party. I anticipate that the convention and a two minute speech is insufficient for the daunting tasks at hand.
My hope is to clearly articulate my vision and answer as many questions as possible before we all arrive on the Saturday, December 3rd, 2022.
I will be holding evening zoom calls over the next 11 days, an event Tuesday, 22 Nov 2022, 7pm, Bearwood Event Barn 5901 County Road 105 NW, Byron, and I welcome any of you organizing a zoom or teams call where we can have the opportunity to speak.
Very respectfully,
Phillip C Parrish
Email 2: Political Resume
From: Phillip Parrish <>
Subject: December 3rd State Central Convention - Phillip Parrish for Chair - Opportunities prior to convention to learn more #2
Date: November 22, 2022 at 7:34:13 AM CST
To: Phillip Parrish <>
Greetings All Republican State Central Delegates and Alternates,
Number 2 in a series of email prior to December 3rd.
My intent is to provide some basic contact information and provide ways to create opportunities to articulate my vision for the party.
I anticipate that the convention and a two minute speech is insufficient for the daunting tasks at hand.
My hope is to clearly articulate my vision and answer as many questions as possible before we all arrive on the Saturday, December 3rd, 2022.
I am holding a live event today, Thank you for your time and attention to these important matters.
Very respectfully,
Phillip C Parrish
Phillip Parrish Political Resume 17nov202271.2KB ∙ PDF fileDownloadDownload
Email 3: Vision and Proposal
From: Phillip Parrish <>
Subject: December 3rd State Central Convention - Phillip Parrish for Chair - Opportunities prior to convention to learn more #3
Date: November 23, 2022 at 7:39:52 AM CST
To: Phillip Parrish <>
Greetings All Republican State Central Delegates and Alternates,
Number 3 in a series of emails prior to December 3rd.
This attachment contains my vision and proposal. My hope is that you take the time to read it carefully and reflect on it. A two minute speech will not be sufficiant on December 3rd.
You may also be interested in my live presentation that took place on November 22, 2022. If you are not able to view this via this link, an additional copy will be available via my Rumble video channel soon.
I pray we all have an amazing Thanksgiving with family and friends.
Many blessings to you all,
Phillip C Parrish
Restoring The Republican Party Proposal Phillip Parrish365KB ∙ PDF fileDownloadDownload
Email 4: Officer Nomination Form—A New Hope, A New Direction
From: Phillip Parrish <>
Subject: 5PM, November 30 deadline, Officer Nomination Form, Candidate Phillip C Parrish, A New Hope, A New Direction
Date: November 23, 2022 at 10:04:24 PM CST
To: Phillip Parrish <>
Greetings All State Central Delegates,
I am deeply respectful of your time, especially during our Thanksgiving holiday. However, I was informed of a 5PM, Wednesday, November 30, 2022 deadline that I am required to meet.
Per our Republican Party of Minnesota bylaws, Section 5. A., at least 30 State Central Delegate signatures are required for me to run for chair. I believe I will be the chair you are looking for and that we need. Together we can restore our party. I request the opportunity to make my case and prove to you that we can start winning.
Here is the signature link:
For your convince, I am including the link to the bylaw regarding this requirement.
"Section 5. The State Central Committee shall meet to elect Party Officers as set forth in the Constitution. The Party shall post the job description for each open office on the Party website and the timelines, process, and requirements for applying for each open office, including.
A. A petition with the signatures of at least thirty (30) State Central Delegates committed to vote for this candidate on the first ballot. No Delegate may sign more than one (1) petition for each open position. If a Delegate signs more than one (1) nominating petition in the same race (e.g., two (2) Chair candidates), their signature will be voided on each nominating petition for that race;"
Again, many blessings to you all and happy Thanksgiving.
Phillip C Parrish
Candidate for Chair of the Republican Party of Minnesota
A New Hope
A New Direction
Email 5: Taking Zoom, Team, and Phone Calls from Delegates
From: Phillip Parrish <>
Subject: Dec 3rd Convention, Election of Officers, Parrish for Chair, Candidate Nomination Form (required by 5PM, 30 Nov 2022)
Date: November 25, 2022 at 11:12:55 AM CST
To: Phillip Parrish <>
Greetings All Republican State Central Delegates and Alternates,
I pray you had a blessed Thanksgiving. We are 8 days away from attending to some very important business. We can and must chart a new course for the Republican Party of Minnesota. If you have not already seen it, I have attached (RestoringTheRepublicanPartyProposal) my primary statements and goals for your review.
Details about the coming convention and resources can be found here: party-resources
As a reminder, delegates are asked to complete a nominations form by 5PM, Wednesday, November 30, 2022. I am grateful for your consideration and will enthusiastically embrace your nomination.
Over the next few days, I will continue to hold zoom and teams calls. I will take personal calls as they come in and do my best to get back to you quickly if I am not able to answer. My goal is that you all know everything you need to know prior to the convention.
Very respectfully,
Phillip C Parrish
Email 6: Live Meeting Announced for Tuesday, 29 Nov, 7pm
From: Phillip Parrish <>
Subject: Meeting and Listening Session - Phillip Parrish - Tuesday, 29 Nov, 7PM via Microsoft Teams
Date: November 27, 2022 at 10:51:15 PM CST
To: Phillip Parrish <>
Greetings All Republican State Central Delegates and Alternates,
I will be holding a live meeting via Microsoft Teams on Tuesday, 29 Nov, 7PM. Don’t worry, if you don’t have a Teams account, you can simply click guest and type your name.
This is the link to the scheduled meeting:
I will send an agenda regarding the content. There will be specific Minnesota Republican Party members scheduled to share concerns and issues. Please participate.
As a reminder, the details concerning the December 3rd convention and resources can be found here: party-resources
Also remember, delegates are asked to complete a nominations form by 5PM, Wednesday, November 30, 2022. I am grateful for your consideration and will enthusiastically embrace your nomination.
Very respectfully,
Phillip C Parrish
Live Meeting with Phillip on 7pm Tuesday (Tonight) on Microsoft Teams
Phillip will host a live meeting via Microsoft Teams on Tuesday, 29 Nov, 7PM. Even if you don’t have a Teams account you can simply click guest and type your name.
This is the link to the scheduled meeting:
More to come…
I plan to attend the State Central Committee Meeting on December 3, 2022 in St. Cloud, to be held at the Auditorium at St. Cloud Tech High School, 4200 33rd St S St. Cloud, MN 56301, to report on the event and outcomes. Hope to see you there!
Details of the December 3rd convention and resources are here.