Over before it started
Iowa caucuses and prep for Minnesota's PRECINCT Caucuses
New Hampshire is the next stop after last night’s Iowa Caucuses. Since the Democrats delayed their first election, the Republican showdown took center stage.
And it was over in 30 minutes. (My friend texted, So the Iowa caucuses are all over? I should not have blinked.)
Yes, the landslide was expected.
But perhaps what wasn’t predicted were several eye-opening moments, moments which do not make any sense from one point of view, but make all the sense from another.
Consider these three examples:
- CNN’s entrance poll,
- CBS’s entrance poll, and
- CNN’s footage with popcorn featured prominently (an anon meme) next to the counting of paper ballots
If CNN is so anti-Trump, what was there to gain from showing that 68% of voters disbelieve the official results of 2020?

If CBS is so anti-Trump, what value was there in revealing their entrance poll which found 88% of Trump voters didn’t think Biden won legitimately in 2020?

If CNN, again, is so anti-Trump, and so against fair elections, why would the footage of paper ballots being hand counted have included CNN anchor John King’s editorializing that “this to me is the saddest part of our democracy, that people doubt this”, where the second THIS refers to the hand counting and hand tallying of the paper ballots, which can be done and seen with one’s own, naked eyes.

Obviously, CNN and CBS used to be part of perhaps the most effective (but not safe) propaganda machine the world has maybe ever seen.
But since Donald John Trump became a Wartime President in the first part of 2020, which powers did he unlock? Readers can consult 47 USC Sec. 606.
If so many people, including myself, were stuck in the loops and layers of programming which trapped our minds, for decades, would it make sense to take these media channels completely off the air, given the harm they had done, in one fell swoop? That would have been one option.
But perhaps a better one was the route that was taken… to USE the influence of those media channels to gradually DEprogram the prior damage. Habits are tough to break, and many are still watching the same channels they always have.
Minnesota’s Precinct Caucuses: February 27, 2024
While the Iowa Caucuses were a presidential caucus, Minnesota’s version of that will be a presidential primary, coinciding with many other states on so-called Super Tuesday, March 5, 2024.
Exactly one week prior, though, will be another important day for Minnesota politics: Minnesota’s Precinct Caucus.
This is a statutory meeting required for major parties in Minnesota.
Action 4 Liberty put out a nice video to introduce what it is, if you are unfamiliar.
For those that are, the question is, how can you get more people actually excited to attend?
There are a variety of ways to do this. In 2022, Mark Bishofsky brought many supporters from his Stop the Mandate crowd to effectively earn the endorsement thereafter. (Even though he’d won the MNGOP endorsement, that didn’t stop the MNGOP establishment from hypocritically running a candidate they preferred against him… Meanwhile, the MNGOP establishment criticized almost every candidate that ran against endorsed candidates they liked, while simultaneously admonishing delegates who supported non-endorsed candidates.)
Newly announced candidates, such as Drew Roach for House in District 58b, is likely to draw a crowd given his history of speaking the truth when it counts and stepping up for righteous causes, such as serving papers to a councilmember in Rosemount for an election machine related case.
If you’re someone on the fence about running for office, now’s a great time to step up and take on that challenge. If there’s no-one you feel good about, it just might be you. That said, it isn’t necessary to announce right now… but it will make it easier for people to get to know you, for delegates to support you, and for people to become delegates to support you, if those men and women know there is someone running that they can get behind.
For further strategy and considerations regarding Minnesota’s Precinct Caucuses, stay tuned, because I’ve been writing a fair bit about it—those thoughts just need a bit more editing!
But for a bit of a hint, the strategy boils down to:
Show up and become a delegate
Ask those who are also running to become delegates whether they support our current Commander-in-Chief, Donald J. Trump
Ask those around you whether they support the current MNGOP Chair, David Hann, who has protected those like Mandy Heffron who tried to cover up the law being broken when delegate lists were added to and deleted from outside of the statutory process - see https://saveminnesota.org/otter-tail/ for just one example, or this conversation for proof the MNGOP is complicit: