Otter Tail
Those of you who believe MNGOP leadership, including DELEGATES AND ALTERNATES to conventions and the State Central Committee, should be familiar with the laws, Constitution and rules of OUR Party....

An audio explainer to below can be listened to hear:

Below is an email I received early April 2024... which is possibly the best explanation of the legal aspects of Otter Tail so far...
Those of you who believe MNGOP leadership, including DELEGATES AND ALTERNATES to conventions and the State Central Committee, should be familiar with the laws, Constitution and rules of OUR Party, please review the following MN laws and sections of the Party Constitution. The words should be interpreted using PLAIN LANGUAGE.
If you are a delegate or alternate, it is your DUTY to become educated about the laws, constitutions and rules that govern your actions. PLEASE, take this seriously and join with the people trying to save our Party.The information is provided in sections to make it easy to follow. The interpretation provided in red is for your convenience, only. It is BEST for you to read and interpret the language for yourself. Do not simply accept what any person tells you is the truth.
If you are so inclined, please share the information with David Hann, Vance Bachmann, Craig Bishop, the State Executive Committee and anyone else you think may HAVE A DUTY to know these things or simply may be interested in facts:
Editor's note:
In BLACK is various documents, such as MN Statutes, MNGOP Constitution, and Otter Tail BPOU Constitution.
In RED commentary on same.

BRIEFLY back to a MN state law that the Party must follow of lose MAJOR PARTY STATUS:

Back to the Party Constitution:

This is slightly out of order BUT is directly related to Article IX, Section 2 which is immediately above this section.

Now we go to the Otter Tail County BPOU Constitution

This next one is important:
WHENEVER the term "BPOU" is used, the term refers to the entire organization.

This one is long. Sorry.

The Otter Tail County BPOU vests the duty to govern solely with the DELEGATES and ALTERNATES elected at the precinct caucuses.

Sorry the next one is long and divided into 2 parts:

and part 2

And now back to the MNGOP Constitution

MNGOP Constitution Articles XII-XV are not relevant to the issue so next is Article XVI:

and finally, in 2023, the Democrats passed an amendment to MN law that REQUIRES every major political party to comply with MN law, its Party's constitution and rules or risk losing major party status:

When Party "leaders" fear losing their grip on power so they resort to violating the law, binding constitutions and rules in acts of self-preservation, the People must take action to protect the Party.
The delegates and alternates in Otter Tail County, who were elected and have been certified to the BPOU Chair and the Party Chair, must encouraged to attend and participate in the BPOU Convention. This Convention was called properly and as necessary by the delegates elected at the 2024 Precinct Caucus, following the requirements of the MNGOP Constitution, BECAUSE of the dereliction of duty by the State Executive Board, Congressional District 7 and the Otter Tail County Executive Committee.
I hope you encourage every 2024 delegate and alternate elected at their precinct caucus to attend the convention on April 13, 2024.
Thank you for taking the time to learn about the different perspectives on this issue and for all you do for the Republican Party.