Met a lawyer
for Dr. Paul Thomas
At the 3rd Lindell event, in August 2023, there was a hospitality room where food and drink were complementary, where people would gather to chat.
For about an hour was in a conversation with Dr. Paul Thomas’s lawyer, Stephen J. Joncus, and two or three others and the conversation veered away from elections.
This lawyer represented Dr. Paul Thomas in his defamation suit (this is only a piece of it, as I’m still learning to navigate court websites) against the Oregon Medical Board, which suspended his license after he produced a study in response to the CDC asking him to prove that his Vaccine-Friendly Plan (a reduced children’s schedule) was more effective than the CDC-prescribed schedule.
Dr. Paul Thomas has since revised his recommendations in his 2015 book, The Vaccine-Friendly Plan, based on the study of his own patients, 561 completely unvaccinated, 2763 vaccinated at various levels, shows that unvaccinated are not unhealthier and overall had much fewer office visits for a variety of health issues.

This video from Dr. Paul Thomas summarizes his study and two more.
Dr. Paul Thomas summarizes his study:
James-Lyons Weiler and Paul Thomas
^note that the retraction and corrected article actually make the numbers look worse for ADHD, alongside an adjustment for ASD
Mawson et al, 2017, mentioned in above video
Hooker and Miller, 2020, mentioned in above video
So far, have spoken with at least one pediatrician who offered The Vaccine-Friendly Plan as a resource, but this pediatrician was unfamiliar with Dr. Paul Thomas’s more recent views based on his study.
The fact that Dr. Paul Thomas’s license was suspended is immaterial to the facts shown in his study and the two other studies.
Why aren’t there more studies like theirs?
The findings in those studies suggest there is limited, but increasing, education on this topic.
Over the coming days I’ll be reading the three studies above to draw my own conclusions.