Is Carver Perfect?
Carver gives itself a pat on the back but election law violations were committed on top of systemic issues

Several law violations already committed
Tomorrow Carver County is giving a presentation to itself to pat itself on the back.
Carver is one of the worst performing election-administration counties, from one perspective, but the best from others, such as the Secretary of State's focus on "turnout", which, in 2020 was a magnificent 92% for Carver!
Such numbers defy logic when one stops to think about it.
But it also has clear and conclusive violations of the law.
2024 Violations
Jumping into 2024, why were 2 precincts told not to seal their envelopes and sign that they were?
First off, it is illegal, a violation of statute, NOT to seal immediately.
Added to Minn Stat § 204C.20 BALLOTS; NUMBER TO BE COUNTED. was a subdivision which reads: Subd. 5. Precincts with ballot tabulators. In precincts using ballot tabulators, once the final count of ballots agrees with the number of ballots to be counted, election judges must immediately prepare the summary statement in accordance with section 204C.24 and seal the ballots in accordance with section 204C.25 for return to the county auditor. The effective date will be June 1, 2024. Click here to see HF4772.
This new subdivision was probably aimed at preventing a parallel hand count on election day after the ballots have gone through the electronic tabulator, which some were suggesting election judges (workers) do in order to be able to honestly sign the summary tapes which say that the tabulators were accurate.
Further strikes against Carver:
- Carver uses modem-enabled tabulators (internet connected) by 2-way cellular modem (VERIZON R2)
- Carver uses electronic poll pads (KNOWiNK), which have live connection to centralized applications giving real-time monitoring and modification capability
- In 2022, Carver did not provide (illegally) the cast vote records and ballot images which were part of systems since 2005, and David Frischmon claimed not to have them, failing first test showing he did not understand electronic systems—he even claimed vendor ES&S said they don't have them
- In 2024, Carver had 2 precincts where were told not to immediately seal, but sign they were, which is clear violation of statute (mentioned above)
Full recording from one commissioner and Dave Frischmon in 2022.
Dave Frischmon is boss of current auditor and thus has a clear role within election administration within county, as do other roles such as county commissioners, who could opt out of electronic poll pads which are used to rig elections.
In 2022 he wrote:
Good afternoon,
Thank you for your interest in Carver County elections. In response to the multiple requests for Cast Vote Records which are identical or similar to the one below, Carver County is providing the same response:
Carver County is required by State Statute to use paper ballots for elections including statutorily-defined post-election review processes. Thus, Cast Vote Records data is not created for Carver County elections and therefore Carver County does not have Cast Vote Records data responsive to your freedom of information request.
Please let me know if you have any questions/concerns,
David Frischmon
Property and Finance Director
Carver County
Erik is a writer who has documented and archived considerable footage, data, and other information related to election administrators, clerks, commissioners, etc. and is disclosing this information on Project Minnesota as well as in book-length work like [S]elections in Minnesota.
Support this effort by subscribing to Project Minnesota for free, reading [S]elections in Minnesota (digital | paperback), or by buying Erik a coffee.