How to use Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio to Flip Votes in a Dominion Election Management System WITHOUT leaving a trace
Must-watch explanation by Mark Cook

Such great work here and explanation by Mark Cook who is using a forensic image of the Dominion Voting Systems Election Management System from Colorado’s Mesa County to demonstrate an untraceable way to flip votes (start video at 1hr14m17s).
I’m so happy this is coming into greater light knowing how much work Mark and others have been doing on this.
“This is one way to manipulate one part of the system.” - Mark Cook (1h17m17s)
For those who want the demonstration highlight of Mark switching votes in the Dominion EMS using Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio, start at 1hour14min17sec.
Please share this with anyone who needs to see proof of how easy it is to manipulate our election systems—especially your county commissioners and election staff—and keep in mind this is only one simple way among likely hundreds, possibly thousands of exploits. Ask them how they can justify using their existing equipment and software?
Amazing to see how this has all come together from Tina Peters onward. I never expected how this story would play out after being introduced to Tina (I did not meet her but was in attendance) at Lindell’s Cyber Symposium in August 2021 and meeting Mark Cook there too.
I don’t know how the story goes from here, but I know that the current electronic election vendors are on their last legs—it’s only a matter of time.
It is a good day! Keep up the great work everyone!