How counties in Minnesota can remove voting machines and return to paper ballots before the midterm elections
“As a technology person, I would recommend removing all technology from our election process.” - Rick Weible in Wright County on February 22, 2022

“As a technology person, I would recommend removing all technology from our election process.” – Rick Weible in Wright County on February 22, 2022
A growing number of Minnesotans recognize the published results of the November 3rd, 2020 election were manipulated. Inflated voter rolls combined with early mail-in voting allowed an algorithm to be staged to fractionalize votes for undesirable candidates, thus securing the preferred outcome. Awareness is rising despite the media, including previously supposed allies of we the people like Project Veritas, refusing to run stories on machine fraud. How then are the people learning the truth? Simple—through open source intelligence available to anyone with an internet connection.
This forensic report provided by Mesa County, Colorado County Clerk and Recorder, Tina Peters, to Commissioner Rowland on March 1, 2022, details critical issues with the Dominion Voting System Democracy Suite Election Management System, including that “uncertified software was installed, rendering the voting system unlawful for use in elections” and “suffered systematic deletion of election records (audit log files required by Federal and State law to be generated and maintained), which, in combination with other issues revealed in this report, creates an unauditable “back door” into the election system” (Executive Summary, Page 9). Looking at that same database in a deep dive, Jeffrey O’Donnell originally reported that over 5,500 votes are not “real”, but since revised his opinion of highly suspect votes to about 25,000 from a total of 100,000 in the county.
This data from Colorado’s Dominion system is directly relevant to Minnesotans because our state also uses Dominion as well as Hart and ES&S systems.
In December 2020, Susan Shogren Smith’s efforts (at 1h 29m in video) did not prevent the certification of Minnesota’s election when her case was dismissed without a hearing on the facts. Ten months later, after it was deemed by the Crow Wing County attorney that ballots could not be unsealed by the county itself, residents of Crow Wing County succeeded in propelling their County Commissioners Board to vote 4-1 in favor of a resolution which asked the Secretary of State to move forward with a forensic audit of their county, which would unseal the ballots and investigate all the voting equipment and software. The Secretary of State declined.
Since, leading election analyst Rick Weible has stated that as a technology person, he would like to see all technology removed from the elections process.
Meanwhile, residents around the state were requesting the Cast Vote Record (CVR) reports for Dominion, ES&S, and Hart systems through Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) or public data requests, but have so far been denied by election officials.
Those holding the responsibility to ensure fair elections have shown little transparency even while insisting nothing went wrong. This reality leaves the people few remedies, but one antidote to uncertainty is immediately available and the people are starting to wonder why County Commissioners Board meetings have not made this solution a number one priority agenda item:
Invoke Minnesota Statute 206.58 to opt out—that is, remove—all electronic voting systems from elections.
Here is subdivision 3 of the statute:
“The governing body of a county may provide for the use of an electronic voting system in one or more precincts of the county at all elections. The governing body of the municipality shall give approval before an electronic voting system may be adopted or used in the municipality under the authority of this section. No system may be adopted or used unless it has been approved by the secretary of state pursuant to section 206.57” (emphasis added).
Therefore, the machines can be removed with just three out of five County Commissioner votes.
The first counties in Minnesota to do this will be able to boast of a fast, reliable, and fully auditable process that not only saves money but also builds confidence by virtue of the people knowing their vote actually counts. Instead of their ballot representing a manipulated fractionalized data point, each person’s votes will actually determine who becomes the school board member, judge, representative, senator, governor, and president.
Those counties will go down in history as leaders in election reform and integrity.