DATA CLEANUP Phase Immediately Following the November 3 2020 Election
Does THE LONG FUSE playbook describe the coverup phase of the election coup?

At Mike Lindell’s Cyber Symposium in August 2021, Dr. Shiva gave #Truth about election corruption players and shared their published playbooks. One of these was THE LONG FUSE, by the Election Integrity Partnership.
On page 3, the Data Cleanup phase immediately follows the election. Data cleanup? (Data cleanup = cover up?)
Will Selection Code ( show some of the data cleanup?
Was this data cleanup part of what Patrick Colbeck calls The Defense Phase? (In his new book, THE 2020 COUP: What Happened. What We Can Do.) ← This is the best book so far on understanding 2020.
Andrei Merlescu made The Long Fuse available on Project Apario shortly after Dr. Shiva discussed it last year: