What would make you consider not certifying?

Benton Decision tomorrow, 10am (Stearns at 3pm)
Tomorrow is Benton County’s public certification meeting, also known as a County Canvass Board Meeting.
Has the 5-member Board been made aware that...
- At least one absentee ballot board member was given reduced hours so that the county staff could complete significant numbers of signature verifications for absentee and mail-in ballots outside her oversight?
- The Senior Deputy Auditor claims not to have the cast vote record ballot image feature activated ?
- if disabled, this decertifies the tabulator from use in elections
- if enabled but ballot image not saved, possibly violates federal election record retention laws (even though ballot images were made non-public by 93rd Minnesota Legislature, they are useful for counties to have to compare to paper ballots, though this kind of audit has never been done to my knowledge in Minnesota)
- either way, not great
- If yes to 1 and 2, what MORE information would the Benton County Canvassing Board members like to see?
Note there is also a required recount for a MN House Rep seat which will have a required recount... shouldn't the certification wait until that recount? (That recount also should affect Stearns as District 14B overlaps both counties.)

Please also note that MN Law has decided that certification meetings are procedural or ministerial. If so, what is their true purpose?
If you’d like to help ensure the 5-member Board receives this information, please forward this URL: https://projectminnesota.com/benton-certification
Ed Popp epopp@co.benton.mn.us
Steve Heinen+B22 sheinen@co.benton.mn.us
Ross Olson rolson@ci.sauk-rapids.mn.us
Megan Bergman megan.bergman@courts.state.mn.us
Christine Scherbing cscherbing@co.benton.mn.us

If attending the public meeting, please feel free to record as it is a public meeting—we are the media now—handle with care, and send recordings to https://projectminnesota.com/docs or directly to erikvanmechelen@protonmail.com.