Facing the music
Too much to comment on, so I mostly won't. However will do a podcast episode with Mark Bishofsky this Friday, where I'll likely have to find various ways of saying "I don't know" to keep it interesting. But we'll also
Too much to comment on, so I mostly won't. However will do a podcast episode with Mark Bishofsky this Friday, where I'll likely have to find various ways of saying "I don't know" to keep it interesting. But we'll also
After months of attempting to get party leadership to understand the issue and to come back in compliance, it came to pass that a some members of the Republican Party of Minnesota decided to intervene on the case ...
A Motion to Intervene on behalf of the Republican Party of Minnesota was made today by 16 Members of the Republican Party of Minnesota into State of Minnesota in Supreme Court A24-0216. Motion - InterveneMotion - Intervene.pdf266 KBdownload-circle
Questions from Rick Weible on ES&S machines in general BUT ALSO to ask during Logic & Accuracy, #7-9 very relevant ... 1. Have you reviewed the EAC certificate for your equipment? – Yes or No 2. Do you have the manuals for your equipment? – Yes or No 3. Do you
As many prepare for caucus night on Feb 27, and if planning to bring and propose these resolutions, here is additional background. One reader asked: What are the 3rd Party NGOs in Minnesota? NGO stands for Non-Governmental Organization. Here's a short list of those involved in MN elections.
Call to Action to Propose Resolutions From the Anoka County Election Integrity Team (ACEIT): Fellow Patriots & Caucus Go-ers: As you know it is only at our Caucuses that we are granted an opportunity to fine-tune our MN GOP Platform … to strengthen our stand as we defend our Republic. Our
Imagine you're selling a new way of doing elections.
DFL petitions to remove major party status of a rival political party In the 93rd Legislature, concluding Summer 2023, amendments were made to Minnesota Statute 202A.12 and 202A.13, namely that major political parties (as defined in 200.02) must certify their compliance with their own constitution and rules
Judge Gildea dismissed the case on the third count, which is based on a technicality related to service, basically a get-out-of-jail-free card for the judge in this case. Instead of look at the merits of the case, just say it wasn't served to the appropriate people.
How Minnesota's Courts have intervened, overstepping their constitutional authority Yesterday's post, Two Wings, Same Bird, Part 1, was the first installment in a series on political election interference, that is from political parties or from those associated with them. The prior day's post, Modems
Alleged arson against alleged conservative organizations Philip Parrish makes an excellent point regarding the timing of the reporting of the alleged arson as well as the involvement of the FBI and ATF. Listen in... Freedom Talk with Phil Saturday morning security brief. https://t.co/TDmBJStQDv — Freedom Talk with Phil
A checklist for those fresh on the job to ensure transparency and security Do you have a new election official? Rick Weible has rightly pointed out a checklist for new election officials: We should make sure the new election official did the work on page 66-67 (End-to-End Voting System Acceptance