Erik van Mechelen

Erik van Mechelen

Scale, read this 3x

The Universal Laws of Life, Growth, and Death in Organisms, Cities, and Companies

The Deschooling of Society

Snippet from the book by Ivan Illich

Take this writing course with me

It's the write thing to do

The Expertise Economy

Check your Skills

At the Mountains of Madness

by H.P. Lovecraft

Are you OK?

A small commitment

Against the Gods & The Patient as Victim and Vector

Reading for March Week 2, 2020

March Week 1: Unfinished enlightenment & Is love possible anymore?

Brief reviews of The Pale King & Serotonin

Unfinished enlightenment

A brief review of David Foster Wallace's The Pale King

An Invitation to Vulnerability

The ever present and abiding undercurrent of our natural state