Erik van Mechelen

Erik van Mechelen

Steve Simon Fears Disinformation Taking Root as Crow Wing County Commissioners Pass Resolution Seeking His Support for a Forensic Audit of the November 3rd, 2020 General Election

Will the Minnesota Secretary of State Stoke Division or Restore Confidence?

Motion PASSED to Request Minnesota Secretary of State to Conduct a Forensic Audit in Crow Wing County

Staff directed to bring resolution at the next meeting

Are We Invested Enough in Our Children's Future?

Public Hearing Today, Minnesota Sentencing Guidelines Commission

Would you Care to Update Your Explanations?

No, Ask Me Again Tomorrow

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And bravo! if you do

5-week writing course starts in March

Writing, as if For Life: What Kind of Writer Are You?

An elderly gentleman, full of life

Who reminded me to keep the muse alive

Animal Farm may rid you of your slogans

A brief review of George Orwell's classic

Signup: Four Week Writing Course

Writing, as if For Life: Engaging the Challenge of Internal Exploration & Creative Expression

TJ, America's Designer

Thomas Jefferson WAS a contradiction