Erik van Mechelen

Erik van Mechelen

Learn How the U.S. Election System Was Subverted

LIVE now from Otero County, New Mexico -

Demand Election Transparency

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As a statewide SOS candidate with more than 100,000 votes in the Aug 9 Minnesota primary, I'm calling on all 87 MN counties to immediately publish their cast vote records (CVR) BEFORE certification

CVR and ballot manifests are logged automatically in the machines even if turned "off" - We the People demand transparency in the machines trusted to record, tally, and report our votes accurately

Star Trib Omits Key Info Provided by Rick Weible

Including the Election Assistance Commission's email to Rick Weible that Dominion Democracy Suite 5.0 is a NEW system and therefore should fall under Minnesota Statute 206.58 AUTHORIZATION FOR USE

Man Assaulted By Rosemount Councilmember's Son After Serving Paperwork for Election Petition

Petition to Correct Errors and Omissions Under Minnesota Statute §204B.44 in case file A22-1081, Bill Kieffer, et al., Petitioners, vs. The Governing Body of the Municipality Rosemount, MN, Respondent

Transparency NOW

Take Action—No Matter How You've Voted in the Past

1% or 100% ?

How to elevate transparency in electronic systems with ONE simple report

Election Truth Livestream Tonight, 7:30pm Central

Livestream Link on YouTube –

Election Law Broken?

New voting systems introduced in Sherburne County, Minnesota NOT announced nor demonstrated publicly according to statute

Post Election Reviews (PER) Are Designed to Protect Voters

Does Dakota County, Minnesota Precinct 4950's PER instill confidence?