Not only peace in our time, but peace for all time
JFK's Peace Speech - the 60th anniversary
JFK's Peace Speech - the 60th anniversary
One page sharing how you learned about elections
Every week the commissioner engagement map and the CVR map are updated for all 87 counties in Minnesota. Email updates to erikvanmechelen@protonmail.com Commissioner engagement Use public comment or open forum during commissioner meetings (usually on Mondays or Tuesdays twice monthly) to: 1. share updates with commissioners 2. ask
Because your government will not show you the most basic receipts from recent elections; if we cannot even see the internal audits, why use the machines at all?
After Minnesota turned a conspiracy theory into law by banning release, local advocates continue requesting key audit data while auditors often deny existence of the same banned data
And learn whether your county staff want transparency or not
As per HF1830, proving a cover-up of 2020
How Minnesotans can help Drew Roach and his family right now
Minneapolis, MN - May 15, 2023
On May 15, 2023, the intersection of 38th and Chicago in Minneapolis's former "George Floyd Autonomous Zone" is quiet. A car is backed up to Cup Food, its trunk being loaded with groceries. A woman pushes a stroller around the corner across from the store where
Commissioners ask questions; Where to speak about restoring trust; Rick Weible reboots a password-protected computer; hand counts; and new footage of Tina Peters being arrested
My comments and follow-up questions