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With the CIC's "mug"shot heard around the world in the rear-view mirror—for a nice explanation of its meaning, try this (and do look up the references)—it's time for the people, yet again, to find where we want to contribute to making
With the CIC's "mug"shot heard around the world in the rear-view mirror—for a nice explanation of its meaning, try this (and do look up the references)—it's time for the people, yet again, to find where we want to contribute to making
And how statewide FOIA requests led to a misstep by Minnesota's 93rd Legislature
Any government work product that isn't classified or otherwise withheld by a statute is public data. Last year's efforts to obtain public election records, including the coveted cast vote record (CVR) reports and their corresponding ballot images was largely unsuccessful, but much was learned about various
Election plans in 50 states
And what was learned - and why a better strategy is still needed On Wednesday and Thursday Aug 16 and 17, 2023, election reform advocates from 50 states met in Springfield Missouri. Updates, evidence, and next steps toward transparent and decentralized elections were shared. Across 6 hours, presentations from the
by Oliver Anthony
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And how one citizen figured it out using public data requests and patient persistence
Theft by swindle - Every Minnesota taxpayer owed about $6,000 - MN Statute on Theft:
Unsub if you need to - but stay committed - peace on this planet is possible