Alpha News MN Editor in Chief Continues to Fail Minnesotan Readers in Covering Up Konnech Story
Yu looks like Chinese asset running US elections company; Minneapolis approved $586,000 contract last month; How long are readers going to tolerate lazy reporting?
In recent post on Konnech, AlphaNews MN Editor in Chief Anthony Gockowski repeats Los Angeles County District Attorney George Gascon’s remarks and mainstream headlines (from leftist MSM owned by elites and operated by intelligence agencies actively undermining this country for decades) discussing personal information leaks instead of the core of the election integrity issues the revelations expose.
This isn’t only about personally identifiable information. That’s the least of concerns. The bigger concern is election integrity, a topic editors and staff writers apparently aren’t interested in writing about at AlphaNews MN. Very sad given how much donations and readership they have.

What is left out of the AlphaNews story is the following:
- Yu is Chinese asset running US election company
- Konnech processes our military ballots, UOCAVA
- Any discussion of details of $586,750 Minneapolis contract with Konnech approved last month, in September 2022
- Konnech is basically KnowInk and KnowInk pollpads (electronic poll books, ipads) used by almost all 87 counties (if not all) in Minnesota—fun fact, in 2016 as Mayor of St. Bonifacius computer security expert Rick Weible hacked into the KnowInk (Konnech) poll pads within a few minutes and refused to sign a contract (the only city not to use them in 2016—they used paper pollbooks
- Katherine Engelbrecht (True the Vote) and Gregg Phillips (OPSEC) had info on Yu and the serious implications much earlier and were working with the FBI until FBI turned on them trying to shut it down
- (More to come on connections between KnowInk, Konnech, SeaChange, ES&S, etc.)
- Eugune Yu aka Jianwei Yu (于建伟) was in my opinion arrested and brought to LA to protect him from further questioning
- It looks like Konnech is a backdoor into United States elections
Might be time to cancel AlphaNews membership and learn more about this story from those who’ve actually researched it:
Kanekoa the Great - highly recommended for Konnech story
Konnech CEO Eugene Yu's connection to China's National People's Congress & Chinese telecom giantsEugene Yu, the CEO of the U.S. election software company Konnech, was arrested yesterday in connection to the storage of election data on Chinese servers. He was arrested in Michigan by investigators from the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s office with assistance from the Meridian Township Police Department.Brian “Canncon” Lupo -
A very brief video between Joe Oltmann and Apollo (Telegram clip) (full episode on Rumble)