2022 MN Absentee Data Absent
Happened in 2020 and again in 2022; grounds for full forensic audit of Minnesota's 2022 midterm elections
In 2020, 25 days after the Nov 3 election and 5 days after the MN State Canvassing Board certified the election there were still 734,000 absentee records NOT aligning with the statewide voter registration system (SVRS)... unacceptable that this work isn't being done and unacceptable that our current statutes allow such a lack of transparency.
In the last two years residents of counties across Minnesota informed their counties about this issue.
In 2022, it happened again.
This time, as of Nov 23, 2022, out of 657,575 accepted absentee ballots, only 317,372 (48%) align with a voter in the SVRS. It only takes click of one button to do this. Why isn't it done now already 2 weeks after the election? (340,203 absentee ballots remain UNconnected to a voter). How can the county level boards and then the MN State Canvassing Board certify elections without informed consent about the status of hundreds of thousands of ballots?
This is already grounds for a full forensic audit in particular of the absentee ballot process, electronic systems, the physical ballots and envelopes, for the entire state of Minnesota.
There was only 1 county, Goodhue, that reached 100%, but they actually surpassed it, at 100.4%. Because they connected more absentee ballots to voters than were accepted.
See data provided by Rick Weible here: